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Imperial To Metric Tool Conversion

Use our imperial to metric tool converter below to quickly get the correct imperial to metric tool conversion below or our handy conversion chart is available below.

For Metric to Imperial Click Here>

Imperial to Metric Conversion Calculator.

Imperial to Metric Conversion

Imperial to Metric Conversion Charts.

Metric To Imperial Conversion Table
MM Size Fractional Size MM Size in Inch

The Caveats to Imperial to Metric Tool Conversion –

When converting between metric and imperial spanners, sockets, and other tools, several caveats must be considered to ensure accuracy and avoid damage occurring to tools and fasteners.

Size Mismatch and Tolerance Issues:

One of the primary caveats in converting metric to imperial spanners and sockets is the size mismatch. Although some metric and imperial sizes are close, they are not identical. For example, a 13mm socket is close to a 1/2-inch socket, but not an exact match as a 1/2-inch socket measures 12.7mm. This slight difference can lead to a loose or too-tight fit, which might cause rounding off or stripping of bolt heads and nuts. The tolerances in tool manufacturing mean that even small discrepancies can result in inefficient torque application, potentially causing damage to both the tool and the fastener.